Just before the original Dec. 29, 2023, deadline for cosmetic product listings and facility registration, FDA released the new and improved FDA CDER Direct & Cosmetics Direct portal. The portal is accessible at
With a dizzying docket of cases still dancing in his head, amid claims and class actions, oceans of motions, judges and juries, and suits still to settle, Matthew Orr presents the 2023 Top Ten List of Too Many Lawsuits in our latest Amin In a Minute video.
Ivan Wasserman spoke with New Hope Network’s Melania Juntti about the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act (DSHEA), which can be confusing and complicated.
At December’s Global Retailer and Manufacturer Alliance Summit in Boca Raton, FL, Angela Diesch received the Ambassador Award for her work leading regulatory initiatives in the health and wellness sector.
by Lauren Aronson Native advertising has been a focus of recent monitoring activity at the National Advertising Division (NAD), the advertising industry’s self-regulatory body. NAD has issued important guidance for brands working with online publishers to create content to ensure that marketing content does not misleadingly appear to be editorial.
Surrounded by spice vendors at the historic Khan El-Khalili bazaar in Cairo, Egypt, Rend Al-Mondhiry presents our latest Amin In a Minute video. Like spices, FTC rules are complex, but Rend’s message is simple:
For all the law students out there — this one’s for you! In our latest Amin In a Minute video, Ivan Wasserman talks about his recent gig as a guest lecturer at Georgetown University Law Center.
Amin Talati Wasserman is proud to announce that it has been named to Best Lawyers – “Best Law Firms.” The firm earned the ranking in the areas of Advertising Law and FDA Law.
Amin Wasserman Gurnani attorneys Manon Burns and Ashley Rovner-Watson were again recognized for outstanding work in their practice areas in the latest edition of Super Lawyers.
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