In our latest “AWG Legal Takeaways” column, published by SupplySide Supplement Journal, Rend Al-Mondhiry examines growing attacks against hemp products by the states and the counteroffensives by industry in the courts.
In a Legal Backgrounder published by Washington Legal Foundation on July 8, 2024, Jennifer Adams writes: “False advertising challenges to “all natural” and similar “natural” claims have been among the most prolific litigation trends for consumer product companies. Currently, there is no legal or regulatory definition of “natural,” and cases have either settled before reaching […]
Litigators William Cole and Matthew Orr discuss the business of plum financial paydays for plaintiffs’ lawyers and strategies for defending against frivolous, baseless, pursued-in-bad-faith claims in the current issue of Nutrition Industry Executive/VRM Media.
In his article, “Before, During, and After FDA Inspections,” published by the American Health Law Association, Evan Phelps highlights practical tips and best practices for regulated facilities to prepare for inspections.
In the last of our three-part series in Natural Products Insider highlighting legal issues and bottom-line challenges that impact consumer-facing companies, Rend Al-Mondhiry explains that states are taking the lead in regulating consumer products and their ingredients—requiring increased monitoring—and the FDA is prioritizing its own list for review.
In our “ATW Legal Takeaways” column published by Natural Products Insider, George Carrera, Jr. states that patents are an essential component of intellectual property, and an effective strategy should be at the top of a company’s priority list for 2024.
In the latest “ATW Legal Takeaways” column published by Natural Products Insider, Ryan Kaiser highlights the benefits of a strong, carefully executed trademark strategy.
In an article published by Natural Products Insider, William Cole and Matthew Orr highlight class action threats facing CPG brands in the coming year.
On January 13, 2025, the FTC issued a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) for a new Earnings Claim Rule Regarding Multi-Level Marketing (MLM). In the NPRM, the FTC asserts that “[t]he vast majority of MLM MORE >
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